I'm travelling around the country still, so I haven't been able to rant as much as I'd like (at least on this series of tubes).
But I'm currently in Perth, where the State Government recently and dramatically changed. In fact, it was all a bit crazy here, as the Nationals were tossing up which of the major parties they would like to govern with. Although they ended up surprising no-one by choosing the Libs, this situation did finally help them grow a pair, and realise they had the right to demand a little more from their 'colleagues'. Good to see their researchers finally read my letter, even if was two years late...and referring to a different Government...:
The Nats should flex their (love*) muscle
It is often overlooked that the Nationals hold the balance of power, not only in the Senate, which is important, but also in the House of Representatives, which is even more so.
Although being in coalition with the Liberal Party allows the Nationals to govern jointly with that party, the Liberals also seem to forget that without this coalition, the Liberal Party would not be in government. I cannot help thinking that they do not give the
Nationals the respect they deserve for this situation, and simply regard it as a
fait accompli.
To my mind, the Nationals should be able to demand more ministerial places in the Government than they have at present, and a host of other benefits besides, for giving the Liberal Party the privilege of voting alongside them — much as Brian Harradine was able to secure many advantages for his constituents when he held the balance of power in the Senate a few years ago.
Nonetheless, as I recently predicted, it looks like Labor's vaunted stranglehold on Australian Governments coast-to-coast was merely a temporary aberation...
And the worm continues with its turning.
* This word did not find its way into the printed version...