Friday, May 9, 2008

The 'Clever' Country

All right.
I realise I haven't written anything in a while, but, in my defence, I do have more interesting things to do than sitting in front of my computer encouraging my delusions of relevance.
At least, I have until now.
SO, my rants have been building up.
One of them is: I think I should change the name of the blog, to reflect its rantatious nature. And how do I do that? Well, I guess I'll just have to read some 'Help' section. Way to get me back into the blogosphere, BloGod!
All right. I shouldn't blame The BloGod for my need to read.
But I do have other pent-up rants.
My most recent: Lost. Specifically, the 'Lost' TV show, and the fact that Australians are TOO DUMB to get it! Yes, I mean YOU, Australians who number among everyone else who don't read this blog!
Even more specifically, I'm referring to the fact that Channel 7 has moved Lost to 10:30pm on Thursday nights, from its previous 9:30pm slot. No doubt this is due to the slipping 'ratings' because not as many people are 'watching it'.
I have just this minute written this letter to the Green Guide, in light of this troubling development:

Dear Editor
You and your readers may have noticed that Lost moved to 10:30pm last Thursday night, but it now looks like this move may be permanent.
I can only put this down to Channel 7's knee-jerk reaction to Australians being too stupid to understand Lost. Actually, that may seem a little divisive, so I might put it another way: it appears that American viewers are smarter than Australian viewers. Do you and your esteemed readers agree?
For example, some recent reviews of Lost in the Green Guide (though not all) display a total lack of understanding of, and patience with, Lost; one line included ‘Somebody please rescue these people or kill them off, for pity's sake’, and another, from rabble-rouser Catherine Deveny: ‘When I'm absorbing TV I don't want to work’. Anecdotally, it would seem this view is widespread.
The fact is (and yes, I put this forward as self-evident truth), Lost is one of the best television shows OF ALL TIME. I will grant you that questions that are raised throughout the show only seem to be answered by further questions – though I submit that this still constitutes an answer – but this is TV we're talking about. Not everything can be resolved in 45 minutes like in real life. Also, these further questions have actually made the show better – it's much more interesting now than it was in the first season. I mean, like, what's going on with Ben? (I'm serious: what's going on?)
OK. Let me convert, like water into wine, this insulting letter into a message of hope: Give Lost a chance. Sure, it may require some commitment, but can't we retain some of our old-fashioned values? Plus, some people may not be aware that it has a definite end date: May 2010 – nary 2 years from now. The writers, those glorious writers, really are working up to something. And it looks great.
Yours, etc
Riley Jones

That about sums it up. If you want more, it will all be detailed in my forthcoming book “Why all of you are wrong and only I am right”.
Sure to be a bestseller.

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