Let’s not muck about. Hardcore History is one of the Best Podcasts Going Around.
I can’t remember how I got on to it, and Dan Carlin in general, but I haven’t looked back. In fact, when I started listening, many episodes were already behind the ‘paywall’, but once I’d listened to the freebies, I was so hooked that I had to buy all the others. And then listen to them all again (and again).
For those of you who don't know, Dan is a former journalist and current history nut (as he says many times: he's not a historian, just a fan of history) who loves researching and talking about some of the more extreme events in world history, whether from thousands of years ago or last week.
He's pretty much the second one in this (inaccurate but funny) Tommy Siegel meme:
For those of you who don't know, Dan is a former journalist and current history nut (as he says many times: he's not a historian, just a fan of history) who loves researching and talking about some of the more extreme events in world history, whether from thousands of years ago or last week.
He's pretty much the second one in this (inaccurate but funny) Tommy Siegel meme:
Some of the topics he talks about I know about, most I don't - and I learn amazing things either way. Plus, he's just so damned engaging!
So I’m clearly in the bag for Hardcore History and, no, Dan's not paying me. He is simply and objectively one of The Best.
So I’m clearly in the bag for Hardcore History and, no, Dan's not paying me. He is simply and objectively one of The Best.
But something that became clear to me as I listened to each of his wonderful episodes and series was that there could be another way to listen them – a chronological way (isn't everything better chronologically? Probably YES ... but also a bit NO...). This was clearest when listening to the Punic Nightmares series, which flowed well into Death Throes of the Republic, which flowed (pretty well) into Thor’s Angels.
And that’s when I decided the world needed not just individual episodes of Hardcore History, but “The Hardcore History of the World according to Dan Carlin”.
So that’s what this is: my attempt to put together a chronological listening order of Hardcore History. It's mainly for my own purposes, but why not share the Hardcore Love (TM)?
Note that listening in actual release order still works, particularly as it allows you to experience Dan’s, and Hardcore History’s, evolution (and there are only 63 episodes, plus 7 addendum episodes, at the time of writing this blog). In fact, I would possibly recommend listening in release order first and THEN going back to listen in chronological order.
Or do what you want. I’m not the boss of you.
Just get on it. Stat!
Note: The chronological order is further below, but first I've got a bit of an explanation of how the episodes fit together, in my brand new segment: The History of Hardcore History.
Note: The chronological order is further below, but first I've got a bit of an explanation of how the episodes fit together, in my brand new segment: The History of Hardcore History.
The History of Hardcore History
Dan's Hardcore History episodes have literally grown massively in size since his first episode back in 2006. That first episode - comparing Alexander the Great and Hitler the Not-Great, is only just over 16 minutes long. They gradually got longer, averaging out to an hour to an hour and a half, until episode 39 - the sixth and final episode in his Death Throes of the Republic series. At this point, in an effort to finish the story off in one fell swoop, episode 39 was a whopping 5 hours and 25 minutes long. After that point, the gloves were off, and Hardcore History episodes effectively went from being mere podcasts to full-blown audiobooks. Consequently, the more recent episodes are generally very long, and he only gets to release a couple a year.
He's been aware of this, and of the demand for more Hardcore History, so he's made efforts at times to mix up how he releases his historical musings. The first time he did this was in episode 18, when the episode was more of an interview/conversation with historian James Burke, and he did this a few more times (those interview episodes were and are still free). Then in episode 20, he released what he called a 'Blitz' edition, when he spoke about an issue that wasn't confined to one time period (in that episode, the effect of alcohol and drugs on history-shaping personalities and events), and there have been a few Blitz editions since (most recently in episode 61 - Painfotainment).
Dan's Hardcore History episodes have literally grown massively in size since his first episode back in 2006. That first episode - comparing Alexander the Great and Hitler the Not-Great, is only just over 16 minutes long. They gradually got longer, averaging out to an hour to an hour and a half, until episode 39 - the sixth and final episode in his Death Throes of the Republic series. At this point, in an effort to finish the story off in one fell swoop, episode 39 was a whopping 5 hours and 25 minutes long. After that point, the gloves were off, and Hardcore History episodes effectively went from being mere podcasts to full-blown audiobooks. Consequently, the more recent episodes are generally very long, and he only gets to release a couple a year.
He's been aware of this, and of the demand for more Hardcore History, so he's made efforts at times to mix up how he releases his historical musings. The first time he did this was in episode 18, when the episode was more of an interview/conversation with historian James Burke, and he did this a few more times (those interview episodes were and are still free). Then in episode 20, he released what he called a 'Blitz' edition, when he spoke about an issue that wasn't confined to one time period (in that episode, the effect of alcohol and drugs on history-shaping personalities and events), and there have been a few Blitz editions since (most recently in episode 61 - Painfotainment).
Then on a couple of occasions, in order to get more in-depth with content and raise a little more revenue, he released some 'extra' episodes, which could only be purchased. When he first announced this I thought "yeah, right" - why pay for podcasts when there are so many free ones available?!? And then I fell in love with Hardcore History and needed all of them and simply had to have them. They're very interesting but he only ended up releasing three (for Thor's Angels, Logical Insanity, and Wrath of the Khans).
More recently, again in an effort to get more content out in a more timely fashion, he developed the Hardcore History - Addendum episodes. They're different from regular Hardcore History episodes (and not just because they tend to be more around the hour mark again). They often contain interviews/conversations with interesting (historical and/or hardcore) people, or just focus on one interesting historical event that Dan doesn't think could make a regular Hardcore History episode (although they easily could have in the past (no pun intended), such as with the excellent Addendum episode 1 (comparing the armies of Imperial (WWI) Germany and Nazi (WWII) Germany, and Addendum episode 5 (regarding the sinking of the ship the 'U.S.S. Indianapolis' in WWII)).
I've tried my best to include all these different types of episodes in my chronology below (with links to Dan's website, so you can quickly get to the heat of the meat), though in some cases an episode may not fit exactly anywhere (especially Blitz or interview episodes), so I've just taken a punt. Feel free to try your own chronologies, or let me know if you think this could be improved by leaving a comment!
Note that episodes 50 to 63 are currently free (as are the Addendum episodes), but episodes 1 to 49 can be purchased in bulk for a discount.
Note that episodes 50 to 63 are currently free (as are the Addendum episodes), but episodes 1 to 49 can be purchased in bulk for a discount.
Oh, and one other thing - he's sometimes revisited events he's dealt with previously, often going into more detail in the later episodes (i.e., once the gloves were off) - a classic example is the very early episode 6, looking at the wars between the Greeks and Persians, followed ten years later by the three-episode series 'Kings of Kings', which delves deep into the Persian Empire, and then eventually gets into their interactions with the Greeks (again). With those episodes, I've generally put the short one first (like an introduction) and then the more detailed ones after.
Now without further ado...enjoy!
Now without further ado...enjoy!
The Hardcore History of the World according to Dan Carlin
Ancient weird stuff including Atlantis, the Ark of the Covenant, the pyramids and Stonehenge…and aliens…
Because it's old, and weird, it's probably good to get it out of the way before the real stuff (though note that it's not really a great introduction for Dan’s work generally...)
Deals with 'pre-history', and is set around (spoiler alert)...the Bronze Age! (i.e., around about 1200 to 1000 BCE)
The Assyrian Empire - 2300 to 600 BCE. Pretty hardcore.
A general discussion of the Greeks and Persians, primarily from the Battle of Marathon to Battle of Plataea (including Thermopylae in between) - 490 to 479 BCE, and then a summation up until the time of Alexander and then the ending of the "old old world" – note, this overlaps a lot with Kings of Kings...
This series of three episodes starts almost exactly the same as Shield of the West (regarding Spartans generally and Thermopylae in particular), and then covers similar topics, but in much more detail, and kind of from a different perspective (i.e., the Persians').
More specifically, Episode 56 deals with the end of the Assyrian Empire (circa 700BCE) to the death of Cyrus, Episode 57 looks at Cyrus’ children to the Battle of Macedon (490BCE), and Episode 58 goes from the aftermath of the Battle of Macedon to Alexander (i.e., the last “King of Kings”).
Dan refers to Victor Davis-Hanson (see Episode 24 below), plus some of his other greatest hits (e.g., themes from Old School Toughness, American Peril, and even makes references to WWI and Apaches!), which obviously come later in this chronology...
First ever episode, quite short, focuses primarily on Alexander the Great’s life (and how bad he might have been).
Looks at the power struggles that took place after the death of Alexander the Great.
Note: Dan does this weird thing in the middle, where he speeds up his reading of the timeline of events after Alexander died (back when he used to worry about how long his podcasts might go!). Fortunately, he then includes the full thing at the very end.
An interview/conversation with Victor Davis-Hanson. Starts out with his work on the Hoplites’ fighting style (as seen in Shield of the West, etc), and why the classics (including Greek classics) are important. Also ends with a discussion about Alexander the Great vs Julius Caesar, and some talk about the Punic Wars (coming up next). In between is stuff about modern people, including 19th century farmers and pioneers, and “the West” generally. The dude is VERY conservative, in the true sense of the term, as well as the political, and critical of modern people and education. Gives more of an insight into Dan as well (with his VERY leading questions).
Dan's first 'series', these three episodes look at the struggles between the Carthaginians and the emerging Roman powerhouse. Specifically, Episode 21 (Punic Nightmares I) starts around 264 BCE-ish, Episode 22 (Punic Nightmares II) continues with Hannibal's rampages across Italy, and then Episode 23 (Punic Nightmares III) finishes around 146 BCE-ish.
A conversation with Mike Duncan regarding the end of the Roman Republic.
Episode 34 (Death Throes of the Republic I) refers to the Punic Wars before this (and gives a rough idea of Rome’s rise), then gets into the Roman Republic stuff proper around 133BCE.
Episode 35 (Death Throes of the Republic II) looks at the rise of Gaius Marius (around 100BCE). Episode 36 (Death Throes of the Republic III) then gets into the rise of Sulla, with Episode 37 (Death Throes of the Republic IV) dealing with the final clashes between Marius and Sulla around 80 BCE.
Episode 38 (Death Throes of the Republic V) sees the proper introduction of the new guard (including Julius Caesar), and Episode 39 (Death Throes of the Republic VI) wraps it all up in an episode in which, as Dan himself says, (spoiler alert) "Virtually everyone dies".
Technically, most of the events here take place during those in Death Throes (although some slightly pre-date them (back to 390 BC), but most relate to Caesar and Gaul, which is in Death Throes VI), but I think it's best to listen here, so as not to break up Death Throes.
Although this is primarily about the Germanic peoples of Europe (including Charlemagne), it starts out with the fall of the Roman Empire, including stuff from the 300s onwards (AD), and the Germanic peoples’ role in that.
Dans first “extra” episode – starts out with a lot of chit-chat, but gets into some interesting ‘extra’ stuff, including military stuff about the Germanic tribes.
Primarily about the Norman invasion of England, with a little bit pre- and post- regarding the Normans generally (as well as some history of Britain after the Romans left).
Starts with the Huns invading the Roman Empire in the late 4th century. Also deals with the ancient Scythians all the way through to the Mongols and slightly beyond. Probably serves as a good introduction, an aperitif if you will, to Wrath of the Khans...
Mainly on Genghis Khan’s origins (around 1162 AD) and the establishment of the Mongolian Empire, through to his grandchildren, including Kublai Khan (late 1200s), and then the gradual decline of the Mongol Empire (the individual episodes are Episode 43, 44, 45, 46 and 47 (Wrath of the Khans I to V)). Some incredible stuff here I had no idea about (including the fact that the Mongols turned up in the middle of the Crusades in the Holy Land and freaked out BOTH the Christians and the Muslims!)
Now with MORE Wrath!!!
A podcast about general plagues/pandemics throughout the ages, including the Spanish Influenza in the early 20th century, but, that said, it's mostly about the Black Death in the 14th century, which is why I've put it here. Refers to the various changes this wrought on European society, including the changes to the Catholic church (and a reference to Martin Luthor).
The history of children, includes references to Ancient Greece and Carthage, as well as quotes regarding how children were viewed in the 1400s, up to the 1800s (e.g., a reference to Winston Churchill), and then to the present-day. Could go anywhere, but I’m putting it here…
A bit of the history of the Catholic Church from the fall of the Roman Empire through to the Reformation (and Martin Luther’s Protestantism around 1517). Then segues into the specific story Dan wants to tell involving the city of Munster and the Anabaptists in the 1530s. One of my favourites, partly because I’d never heard of this story, but also because Dan tells it so well (though he seems to disagree!)
The Age of Exploration and, specifically, Magellan’s circumnavigation of the word circa 1519.
Pain and torture as entertainment throughout the ages, with a particular focus on the French Revolution (which is why I've put it here).
Dan really starts hitting his stride here in his second ever Hardcore History episode, regarding the rise of the West and the decline of the Near East. I would place it around the 1700s, as it talks about that being the time that the West assumed military dominance over the East, thanks to guns (prior to that, the East had an advantage with horses). He also talks about Napolean’s invasion of Egypt, and the American Revolution (at the end of the 1700s).
About the Native American warrior and chief Tecumseh (around 1780 AD) AND Vercingetorix, the Celtic warrior and chief who fought Julius Caesar. We've already got multiple doses of Vercingetorix (in Death Throes of the Republic and The Celtic Holocaust), so I've put it here.
Slavery throughout the ages, but a lot about American slavery, which gets us to the 1860s.
Mostly about the end of the 'Indian wars' in the late 1800s and Geronimo (who even met Teddy Roosevelt around 1905!) – also goes back to the historical origins of the Apaches, and their interactions with the Spanish, the Mexicans and then the US.
The ‘closing of the frontier’ in the US around 1890, and the nation's subsequent look outwards, mostly focusing on the Spanish-American war at the end of the 1800s and the start of the 1900s (including Cuba and the Phillipines). Also includes Teddy Roosevelt!
I haven't broken this down year by year, as these 6 episodes basically go into detail about the entirety of World War I, from beginning to end (or at least, those parts that Dan has time to focus on). A bit of a shout-out for the Aussies, which is nice!
This is a conversation with historian Peter Hart, which mainly looks at the very last few days of WWI (as covered in his recent book).
No surprises here - this is a post-WWI podcast.
The development of the League of Nations, and its success or otherwise, also post-WWI.
Dan seems VERY prescient in this episode! He notes that we get complacent, but things like the Great Depression (the focus in this episode) could always happen again – and he recorded this only a year before the GFC proper (although the first signs of the GFC, in retrospect, were to be seen only in the months after this podcast was released!).
The rise of Japanese militarism, focuses a lot on
late 1800s and early 1900s, concludes in the mid-1930s around the Rape of Nanjing.
Mostly looks at his life before WWII, along with a bit once the war started, which isn’t really dealt with in his other WWII episodes, such as Ghosts of the Ostfront (below).
Note: includes actual audio from Churchill, which really adds to it.
Primarily the development of Adolf Hitler’s Nazism, pre-WWII.
Addendum Episode 1 – Imperial Germany vs Nazi Germany
In this first HH Addendum episode, Dan considers which German army was better - the one from WWI or the one from WWII. Spoiler alert - Nazis are bad.
Episodes 27 to 30: Ghosts of the Ostfront
Looks at an aspect of World War II that I (and no doubt many in the West) didn't know about - the experience on Germany's eastern front, with the Soviet Union (as opposed to the western front, that involved many of the English-speaking nations). Individual episodes are:
In this first HH Addendum episode, Dan considers which German army was better - the one from WWI or the one from WWII. Spoiler alert - Nazis are bad.
This is the first series I might actually break up...
Goes from the Rape of Nanjing to the attack on Pearl Harbour (December 1941).
Note: I have a feeling the next episode might take us to the end of WWII in the Pacific, which may require me to move this around a bit more...
Goes from the Rape of Nanjing to the attack on Pearl Harbour (December 1941).
Note: I have a feeling the next episode might take us to the end of WWII in the Pacific, which may require me to move this around a bit more...
Looks at an aspect of World War II that I (and no doubt many in the West) didn't know about - the experience on Germany's eastern front, with the Soviet Union (as opposed to the western front, that involved many of the English-speaking nations). Individual episodes are:
Episode 27: Ghosts of the Ostfront I (the beginning of Germany attacking the USSR)
Episode 28: Ghosts of the Ostfront II (1941, including the attempts to take Moscow)
Episode 29: Ghosts of the Ostfront III (1942 and early 1943, including the Battle of Stalingrad)
Episode 30: Ghosts of the Ostfront IV (the final battles between the USSR and Germany, with the Soviets entering Berlin)
The experience of being on a US ship that went down late in WWII (in 1945).
Primarily considers the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Japan, but includes a bit about the gradual increase of attacking civilians from the air, including around WWI, and then the Blitz in WWII, as well as the firebombing of Japan (culminating in the dropping of the nuclear bombs).
Dan and History on Fire host Danielle Bolelli do a crosscast together about Nazis, political spectrums, U.S. Presidents they want back (including a bit about Ike post WWII) and some other stuff.
Immediately post-WWII, and the West's realisation that they needed to keep the USSR in check. Apparently the 'official' start of the Cold War is 1947, when Churchill made his "Iron Curtain" speech...
Episode 40: (BLITZ) Radical Thoughts
Starts with a 'what-if' in November 1948, then deals with the second ‘Red Scare’, in the 1940s and 50s (and 60s), also then looks at the first Red Scare after the first World War, also goes all the way back to the French Revolution and its reverberations regarding anarchism and communism from then.
Starts with a 'what-if' in November 1948, then deals with the second ‘Red Scare’, in the 1940s and 50s (and 60s), also then looks at the first Red Scare after the first World War, also goes all the way back to the French Revolution and its reverberations regarding anarchism and communism from then.
Again gets into nuclear proliferation post WWII, with a lot about JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis (in 1962).
This is the first 'Blitz' episode, so Dan actually explains what Blitz episodes are here (basically, not linear narratives, but general ramblings on a topic). Focuses a lot on JFK, the WWII leaders and Napolean.
An overview of the Vietnam War, followed by a conversation with war correspondent Sir Max Hastings about his experience in Vietnam.
A lot of this is about “Could we beat our grandfathers?” (not NOW (he's not advocating going to nursing homes and beating up old people), but when they were in their prime - e.g., the ‘Greatest Generation’ from WWII) and the general toughness/military decline of societies, from the Medes, to the Spartans ... to us! Some general discussion on how history is taught/written now versus in the past, too. Finishes looking at how things may change in the future.
The first of the interview/conversation episodes, with Dan talking to historian James Burke. Mostly looks at our current time, in the context of the past but also looking towards the future (hence why I have it following Old School Toughness). Also makes a small reference to the ‘Dark Ages’ and the Saxon invasions of England plus a fascinating link of 10 historical figures from around the 18th century. Episode 25: The Dyer Outlook
Another interview/conversation, this time with historian Gwynne Dyer. They talk a bit about WWI (and WWII), but a lot about current society, or very recent history (e.g., the war in Afghanistan, the state of the European Union).
Note: 'Current society' means society in January 2009, when this episode was recorded.
Addendum Episode 3 – A Four-Star Conversation
Another conversation, this time with Four-Star General and former U.S. Air Force Chief-of-Staff Merrill McPeak.
And that's it (for now)! As new episodes are released I sometimes have to tweak this, but based on poor old Dan's current output, I only have to do that a couple of times a year!
(Aaaaand this has got me inspired to listen to all of Hardcore History all over again. Time to break out episode 7...)
And that's it (for now)! As new episodes are released I sometimes have to tweak this, but based on poor old Dan's current output, I only have to do that a couple of times a year!
(Aaaaand this has got me inspired to listen to all of Hardcore History all over again. Time to break out episode 7...)